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Common Questions & Answers

  • Who is Helavo, and what do we do?

    At Helavo, we are committed to empowering our customers by enhancing their mobility and independence. As a trusted German brand, we specialize in designing and producing high-quality mobility aids. Our mission is to help individuals reclaim their freedom and agility, making everyday life more accessible and enjoyable.

  • How can I contact Helavo quickly?

    If you don’t find the answer to your question here, the quickest way to reach us is by using one of our dedicated contact forms. We’re here to assist you promptly.

    Click Here

  • What should I do if my product is defective?

    If you encounter any issues with your Helavo product, don’t worry—we’re here to help! Please contact us using our product support form, and we’ll work closely with you to find the best solution.

    Click Here

  • What if I dont have all the information Helavo is asking for?

    No problem! While additional details can speed up the warranty process, you can still reach out to us even if you’re missing some information. Our team will assess your situation and guide you in providing any necessary details.

  • What warranty do I have on my Helavo products?

    All Helavo products come with a standard one-year warranty, which can be extended to three years at no extra cost. To extend your warranty, scan one of the QR codes included in the box or complete the process on our website.

    Click Here

  • What does the warranty cover, and how can I make a claim?

    Our warranty guarantees a fully functional walker during the warranty period. For issues, contact us with the details. If covered, we’ll provide spare parts or a replacement product.

    Note:If the issue isn’t covered, you can purchase spare parts from our extensive range.

    Click here for Product Support

  • Where can I order spare parts?

    To order spare parts, reach out to our support team. They’ll assist you in identifying the right parts and provide direct links to complete your purchase easily.

    Click Here

  • Im having trouble assembling my Helavo product.

    We’ve got you covered! Along with a detailed manual, we provide easy, step-by-step video assembly instructions. Scan the QR code in the box or visit our YouTube channel to watch. Need more help? Contact our support team for personalized assembly assistance.

    Click here to get to our Youtube channel

  • Where can I buy Helavo products?

    Helavo products are available exclusively online. While we don’t have physical stores, online shopping allows you to enjoy the convenience of home delivery.

  • Can I test a Helavo product before purchase?

    As a fully online brand, we don’t offer in-store trials. However, we understand the uncertainty of buying without testing. That’s why we offer a generous return policy and robust warranty coverage. Our support team is also happy to guide you in selecting the best product for your needs—don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

  • Im unsure which product is right for me.

    Our support team is here to assist you! Share your specific needs and preferences, and we’ll recommend the Helavo product that’s best suited for your situation. Don’t hesitate to reach out for personalized guidance.

    Click Here

  • What is the difference between pneumatic tires and rubber tires?

    Pneumatic Tires: These offer superior comfort and adaptability, especially for outdoor use. However, they require more maintenance and are prone to punctures, similar to bicycle tires.

    Rubber Tires: A durable, low-maintenance option that eliminates the risk of punctures. While they provide slightly less cushioning, they deliver reliable support for everyday use.

    Choosing the right tires depends on your preference for comfort versus durability.

  • How long does shipping take?

    Shipping typically takes just a few days, though delivery times may vary depending on your location and product availability. Once your order is placed, you’ll receive a notification with an estimated delivery date.

  • What is the LOT number, and where can I find it on my walker?

    The LOT number is a unique identifier that helps us track production details for quality assurance. You can find this number on the Helavo sticker affixed to your product. Providing the LOT number helps us ensure excellent service and maintain high product standards.

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